On Homosexuality

Jun 14, 2015

Today I was reading Albert Mohler’s blog and got really, really annoyed.

Apparently the recent tittering of Christian news is that Tony Campolo made a statement in favor of homosexuality, and a former long-time editor of Christianity Today expressed support. Fine, ok, whatever.

But Mohler takes issue with Christianity Today’s editorial in which the author says they will not “feel compelled to condemn the converts and distance ourselves from them”. The reason?

This is a moment of decision, and every evangelical believer, congregation, denomination, and institution will have to answer. There will be no place to hide. The forces driving this revolution in morality will not allow evasion or equivocation. Every pastor, every church, and every Christian organization will soon be forced to declare an allegiance to the Scriptures and to the Bible’s teachings on marriage and sexual morality, or to affirm loyalty to the sexual revolution. That revolution did not start with same-sex marriage, and it will not end there. But marriage is the most urgent issue of the day, and the moment of decision has arrived.

Last year, I moved a few hundred miles, which meant I had to go on the hunt for a new local church body to be a part of. I found a group of believers who embody Christ like I’ve rarely seen, and I’m very glad to be with them.

After nine months, I have no idea what the senior pastor’s views on homosexuality are. Why? Because there are much more important things for him to spend his time talking about, like how to better show God’s love to the world, and how to get those outside of the church into it.

Biblically, homosexuality looks to me to be much closer to, say, real presence than the line in the sand modern Christians tend to portray it as. But it’s clear, you say, Jesus said “this is my body”! Yeah, well, we can disagree on how to interpret that, and that’s fine, because that’s not the big picture.

Christ is what’s important. Our sin and separation from God, and the perfect gift of a way back to him, that’s what matters. The debate over homosexuality is not the matter of “do we ignore the Bible when we don’t like it” that conservatives portray it as, nor is it the “Christ compells us to love everyone, and we haven’t been loving” argument that liberals put forth. It is an issue that’s important to modern Western culture, much more important to us now, as Americans, than it was to first-century Jews. The importance we assign to it is born of our human nature, not from our identity as followers of Christ, and it is tearing the church apart.

If a church body spends any substantial amount of time talking about homosexuality, you should leave it - no matter what its stance, or whether you agree with it. It shows an obsession with the here and now, with what’s happening on Earth, instead of a focus up to heaven and eternity.

There are plenty of unbelievers. We’ve got work to do; don’t get distracted.